Nutritional Education | Tigrinhos & Golden Tigers
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Nutritional Education

We are as concerned about your child’s eating habits as you are. That is why we offer tasty healthy snacks and lunches to our students.

ABC Educational Kitchen is part our educational group. It is responsible for planning, preparing and serving all the food in school. It prepares nutritionally balanced meals and snacks to our students, parents, staff and visitors. The work ABC Educational Kitchen does goes beyond serving healthy food; it teaches all our students about food, food groups, general nutrition and how to prepare some healthy things to eat and drink.

Our Menus

We work with children of all different age groups. We oversee snacks and lunches and offer individual attention to students with eating issues and allergies. We strive to use as many fresh and natural ingredients as possible and about 80% of the greens, and vegetables we serve are organic.

0 to 1 year olds

No milk or sugar products are served
All the recipes we use have reduced amounts of white flower and salt
After getting permission from their pediatricians our students begin to eat vegetables, fish, fruits with acid and different types of lettuce
We use ingredients that do not cause allergies


1 to 3 year olds

We do not use a lot of milk
No sugar
All recipes we use have reduced amounts of white flower and salt
We use ingredients that do not cause allergies


3 years on up

We use reduced amounts of sugar and salt
We use ingredients that do not cause allergies
Everything served has the appropriate amount of calories

We always serve:

• Natural juices
• A wide variety of fruit
• Meals with a variety of colors
• A wide variety of salads

We do not serve:

• Canned goods
• Fried foods

We prioritize:

• Serving fish once a week
• Having one vegetarian lunch per week
• Not serving red meat on Mondays

Practical Nutritional Education

Early Childhood Education and Preschool

• Our students experience new textures, flavors, and aromas
• We explain and give examples of the benefits of having healthy eating habits
• We encourage and demonstrate how our students should use silverware

Elementary and Middle School

• We explain how to preserve foods properly
• We explain how the digestive system works
• We explain how what people eat can affect their blood pressure, cholesterol and help cause diabetes

Our vegetable gardens

• Students experience planting, taking care of, and harvesting their vegetable garden
• Our students do hands on work with nature
• Our students prepare what they have grown and then eat it

Hand on cooking classes

• These classes support and complement what our students are doing in class, for example, choosing to cook a recipe from the country they are studying
• Students learn to make and follow recipes
• Students learn to prioritize making healthy food

The street fruit and vegetable market full of flavors and delights

• Students get to see, feel, eat, and smell all kinds of fruits, vegetables, lettuces, spices, and teas
• Students try, taste and smell many different types of food
• It is the first time many children have seen, smelled, touched or tried pre-viously unknown foods

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